who we are. 

Eastown’s lifework is for anyone to experience Jesus, belong in community, and love our neighbor. So, what does that mean, exactly? Well, it means that we’re committed to creating a culture where people can ask questions, take steps and  move forward in their faith journey. 

You see, whatever your thoughts might be about church, we want to help you redefine them. We believe that church is a vehicle to discover the love of Jesus, and then take that love into a broken world. At Eastown, we hope you’ll discover unconditional love and experience freedom.  We believe that when you're free, you'll discover the unique impact that you were created to have in this world. And we believe that this journey is not only worth it, but that it will be an absolute adventure.

So how does this happen? We believe that people learn best through stories. We work hard to create a story every weekend that connects you to your creator. We do this so that your experience at Eastown will inspire you to take your next step in your faith journey. We hope it will also allow you to ask questions and connect to someone that can assist you on this journey.

That’s what it’s about. That’s why we get up in the morning. That’s why we think that Eastown isn’t just a place - that it’s a movement. A movement of people working to impact the East Bay and invite anyone on the adventure of following Jesus.


MEET The Dupins

Michaell and Clint met 22 years ago in Rocklin, CA. They have been serving alongside each other in the local church. After spending the last fifteen years being a part of two incredible churches in Michigan, it is a privilege to move back to Northern California - one of the most innovative and influential areas of the world.

"We believe that God has an incredible, adventure-filled story not only for each of our individual lives and the lives of our families, but also for the impact we can make on our world both locally and globally when we come together. We're passionate about the local church giving people a glimpse into this story God has for them, equipping and strengthening individuals and families, and growing a community of people who desire to be the solution to brokenness and pain in our world. In all of this, we want to have fun sharing this with as many people as we can."

- Clint & Michaell Dupin, Lead Pastors of Eastown Church